From our advocate and volunteer, Malaika Serrano of Worldstrides/ISA:
Dear @GlobalLeadershipLeague members and advocates:
Like so many of you, I am heartbroken, outraged, and traumatized by the repeated acts of violence against unarmed Black men and women. And yet everyday, I get up, check on my children and start another work day...on the outside, I may look calm and collected but honestly, I'm emotionally exhausted.
This timely and thought-provoking read by McKinsey and Co. on why "Diversity Still Matters" underscores why organizations cannot turn their backs on diversity, equity and inclusion.
As an equity-minded practitioner, the central messages of the article ring true and align with our work - ignite change across the global education field by empowering, connecting, and training leaders, who actively create spaces for inclusion and belonging in the workplace.
We warmly welcome your feedback and reflections.
With love,
Malaika Serrano